Use "divide|divided|divides|dividing" in a sentence

1. Chunking is a method used for dividing larger numbers that cannot be divided mentally

2. Confederative definition: united in a confederacy or league synonyms: confederate, united, allied antonyms: divided, divide, separate, segregated

3. Each median divides the triangle into two equal areas; all the medians together divide it into six equal parts, and the lines from the Centroid to the polygon vertices divide the whole into three equivalent triangles.

4. Thus, ICT can leverage development as businesses see the merit of overcoming the digital divide- or divides- in relation to customers, investments, savings and earnings

5. Thus, ICT can leverage development as businesses see the merit of overcoming the digital divide — or divides — in relation to customers, investments, savings and earnings.

6. The Centigrade scale is divided into degrees based on dividing the temperature between which water freezes and boils into 100 equal gradients or degrees

7. The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies that divides the wconsumedrs flowing into the Atlantic Ocean from those flowing into the Pacific.

8. The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies that divides the wingestedrs flowing into the Atlishic Ocean from those flowing into the Pacific.

9. They're dividing us.

10. To divide something or to be divided into small separate parts: His lawyers will try to pick the case apart, to Atomize …

11. The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies that divides the waters flowing into the Atlishi -c Ocean from those flowing into the Pacific.

12. This is true of most of the various types of body cells ; another type of cells are that actively divide during early embryonic stages , but stop dividing after birth .

13. Egg divides, producing genetically identical twins

14. The controversy still divides major religions.

15. A fence divides the two properties.

16. Algerians are divided about the role that religion should play in their system, which was a central divide during the civil war of the 1990s

17. Only a thin partition divides the room.

18. Well, we're dividing and conquering.

19. The fence divides my land from hers.

20. This method divides the Abdomen into four quadrants

21. The thieves divides the loot into equal shares.

22. Separating VLANs divides broadcast domains as well.

23. Well it divides, it competes, it survives.

24. A business partner divides assets unequally (16).

25. 13 The sea divides England and the Continent.

26. Friendship doubles your joys, and divides your sorrows.

27. Cells multiply by dividing and this usually requires cell growth, the cells doubling in size before dividing in two.

28. B) Religion offends or, more Accurately, divides people

29. In order to understand all of the periods of time mentioned in the Bible, we must get the Administrations properly divided and in turn, we will be 'rightly dividing' God's Word.

30. 2 Top with croissant cubes, dividing equally.

31. The act or process of dividing things into groups according to their type: Do you understand the system of Classification used in ornithology? C2 [ C ] a group that something is divided into

32. The act or process of dividing things into groups according to their type: Do you understand the system of Classification used in ornithology? C2 [ C ] a group that something is divided into

33. The cell then divides along the spindle apparatus orientation.

34. They connect people rather than dividing them.

35. Private soldiers are dividing the nation's power...

36. The second is the exacerbation of sectarian divides.

37. Microsoft Windows divides virtual address space into two regions.

38. 9 Divides one number ( numerator ) by another number ( denominator ).

39. Let's divide the cost.

40. Divide and conquer, Sarah.

41. AC: How do you start to bridge these divides?

42. Once the cell divides, each Centriole occupies the space inside one of the new cells and later divides to once again form a pair

43. Divide it in half.

44. Agamont ( plural Agamonts ) a cell that divides by schizogony

45. The largest number that always divides abc is 60.

46. This method divides the task into more manageable proportions.

47. Pour custard over chocolate and croissants, dividing equally.

48. Divide up into two teams.

49. Abecedarian, can divide a pace.

50. Every time a cell divides, the Chromosomes inside are replicated

51. Shouldn't we divide and conquer?

52. Divide the apples into quarters.

53. "PCB chairman warns of divide".

54. They agree to divide evenly.

55. The process of building, multiplying, and dividing is growth.”

56. The air force divides responsibility for spare parts among seven centres.

57. When you divide 215 by divide 5 into giving 4 with 1 remaining; then bring down the next figure and divide this 15 by 5; the answer is

58. Abkhazia's secessionist government divides the entity's territory into seven districts (raion).

59. The dividing line on approval of FoxTrax appears clear.Sentence dictionary

60. Learn to divide Cautioned into syllables

61. Learn to divide Bustling into syllables

62. Learn to divide Condescend into syllables

63. Learn to divide Annuisance into syllables

64. Arak celebration spotlights young-old divide

65. Equally divide profits between the partners.

66. Learn to divide Beclatter into syllables

67. All things invariably divide into two.

68. Divide the cake with your brother.

69. The government divides asylum-seekers into economic migrants and genuine refugees.

70. The Changjiang River divides at its mouth and forms a delta.

71. Learn to divide Apparently into syllables

72. Learn to divide Anybody into syllables

73. Divide the cake into equal parts.

74. Learn to divide Boarded into syllables

75. Divide the material into five aliquots.

76. Class differences can divide a nation.

77. Divide the task into manageable sections.

78. There are only 170 kilometers dividing Bucharest from Brasov

79. And if dividing decimals actually is, you're not alone.

80. Cytokinesis is the process in which the cell actually divides into two